甜美搖籃曲 Lullaby

甜美搖籃曲 Lullaby, 2014

8.1 2014.12.01上映
美國 英語 劇情 1 小時 57 分鐘

甜美搖籃曲 Lullaby是由安德魯•萊維塔斯( Andrew Levitas)執導的2014年美國戲劇電影,由加勒特•赫德倫德( Garrett Hedlund),理查德•詹金斯( Richard Jenkins),安妮•阿徹( Anne Archer),傑西卡•布朗•芬德利( Amy Adams),傑西卡•巴登( Jessica Barden),特倫斯•霍華德( Jerrica Howard)和珍妮弗•哈德森( Jennifer Hudson)主演。


A man who's estranged from his family receives word that his father has chosen to take himself off life support within 48 hours.Annette Bening and Hailee Steinfeld were considered for various roles at the beginning of the production
